Loyalty program

The loyalty program «Hotel Continental» allows you to receive privileges and discounts on accommodation and use of hotel services.

Special rates and offers
Discount on visiting restaurants and bars
Compliments and rewards
Silver status

Available from 1 to 20 nights.


  • 5% discount on accommodation
  • Late check-out before 14:00*
  • 20% discount on Mahash Spa services for the first visit**

*If possible.
**Check the conditions at the spa.

Gold status

Available from 20 nights.


  • 10% discount on accommodation
  • Early check-in*
  • Late check-out before 14:00*
  • 10% discount on laundry/dry cleaning services
  • A complement from the hotel to the room
  • Evening service
  • Welcome drink
  • A gift from the Hotel for reaching the level
  • 20% discount on Mahash Spa services for the first visit**

*If possible.
**Check the conditions at the spa.

Platinum status

Available from 50 nights.


  • 15% discount on accommodation
  • Early check-in*
  • Late check-out before 14:00*
  • 10% discount on laundry/dry cleaning services
  • A complement from the hotel to the room
  • Evening service
  • The 7th night is complementary, when booking for a week (once a year)
  • A gift from the Hotel for reaching the level
  • 30% discount on Mahash Spa services for the first visit
  • Room reservation guarantee 2 days before arrival

*If possible.
**Check the conditions at the spa.

Diamond status

Available from 70 nights.


  • 20% discount on accommodation
  • Early check-in*
  • Late check-out before 14:00*
  • 10% discount on laundry/dry cleaning services
  • A complement from the hotel to the room
  • Evening service
  • The 7th night is complementary, when booking for a week (twice a year)
  • A gift from the Hotel for reaching the level
  • Complementary breakfast (up to 2 persons)
  • Complementary parking
  • 30% discount on Mahash Spa services for the first visit**
  • Invitation to the Sheremetyevo Airport Business Lounge***
  • Room reservation guarantee 2 days before arrival

*If possible.
**Check the conditions at the spa.
***The number of seats is limited.

Join our loyalty program to accumulate nights to receive discounts and additional privileges from the very first visit.

  1. Click on the «Register» button.
  2. Log in using Vkontakte, Google, or any email address.
  3. Enter your phone number.
  4. You have been issued a loyalty card. Use the personal advantages of booking on the official website!

*Before booking, you must log in to your personal account so that every booking is counted. You can log in using Vkontakte, Google, or any email address.